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Ranen: Platforms

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-09-28 22:09:00
15 просмотров
Bespin Platforms if it were on Kamino. It is set at nighttime and overall is a very dark map, with vehicles and modified sides duking it out high above the nonexistent ground. The map is well put together and has a nice feel to it, and it is plenty big enough for the vehicles that are flying around everywhere. While there is not a central area for fighting like Bespin Platforms, each side has their own central CP controlling access to all their others. You can fly around to the back and capture them that way, or go through the front door. It\'s well planned and symmetrical. The map also features modified sides. They are essentially darker versions of the main GCW units, with the Empire in dark armor fighting against the Rebels with dark clothing and masks (looks like a stealth unit or something). It has a very modern feel to it. The weapons are also modified, with each side having new weapons and a special commander unit with powerful weapons. The grappling hook and disguise kit make an appearance too, which is pretty rare these days. The sides are pretty well balanced and there isn\'t really an \"overpowered\" feel to any of the units. Vehicles get a makeover too, with new skins and some weapon modifications to make them more like what they are supposed to be. Polish-wise, this map is full of it. It has many things that are far and few between in Battlefront 1 maps- a minimap and an intro video. These are very nice additions and I\'m glad to see them, as they are so rarely used at all. Everything is localized and overall it is obvious that there was a lot of work put into making this map excellent. In all, I would highly recommend downloading this map. It is well designed, has a very nice atmosphere, and is for SWBF1. The only thing I would suggest is to make a MP-compatible version without the hook or disguise kit, so it could be played in MP. I think it would be a great MP map. Give it a download! -Jedikiller
Ty294 is back today with a new version of his map Ranen: Platforms. This is version 3. The map hasn\'t yet recieved a proper review, so I shall do it! Essentially, the map is very much like
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