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All Troops Fly: Chaos Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-04-01 22:04:00
16 просмотров
effects on the back) to all the units so that they can fly around. He's also "souped-up" most of the weapons to make them all more explode-y and destructive. While this isn't normally my type of mod, I don't think it really matters all that much, since I don't have the game required to play it. And apologies to the author for not waiting for this to get a proper review - whatever files I can upload now I will, to make sure that we do in fact get some new files up to the site after a week+ of inactivity. -Mav
Ryanocerous's "All Troops Fly" mod is a little bit different take on the norm. Instead of making battlefields a proving ground for normal ground-bound troops, he's added "jetpacks" (really just
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