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Star Wars Battlefront
Naboo: Theed (Naboo Crisis version)

Naboo: Theed (Naboo Crisis version)

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-09-16 22:09:00
9 просмотров
adds in two new LVLs to your SIDE folder to change up how Naboo: Theed is played in the Clone Wars era. It, much like the campaign mode\'s version, features Naboo guards against the droid forces. The guards are pretty much standard, though they are a bit more rounded out to be more of a side instead of just a thrown in addition. They all have grappling hooks, which lets you move through the city pretty easily. The droids are pretty much standard, though there is no super battle droid and the pilot has been replaced by a commander unit with no backpack. A suggestion for next time is to make this mod what has been termed a \"mission map\"- a map that goes in the Addon folder that uses a shipped map\'s files so that they do not have to be redistributed and no core game files have to be overwritten. It would make the mod a bit easier to install and more accessible for newer players. In all, this is a pretty small mod- download it if you wish, or if the screenshots look appealing. It\'s an interesting and new changeup to a map that is usually somewhat boring to play. -Jedikiller
Ty294 returns today with this unique modification for the shipped Naboo: Theed map, one that is not too commonly found on multiplayer servers. Essentially, the mod replaces two core files and
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