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Добавил: The DSystem
2005-07-23 22:07:00
11 просмотров
heavy punch for their size and in the Hideki they have accomplished just that. Although these ships are generally compared - unfavourably - to the Klingon B'Rel class Bird of Prey, in some ways this is unfair. Cardassian policy emphasizes that these ships are intended for largely border patrol or system defence duties, keeping Cardassian space defended in order to free up the larger ships for offensive duties. In service the Hideki has proved a solid, reliable design which is popular with its crews. Recommended specs: 0 FF 825 0 825 1850 650 1800 6000 575 Fed-Frigate2 hideki PrimaryHP:1:300_120:2:240_60:3:120_240 HeavyHP:12:300_60 HullHP:1:2:3 BridgeHP:1:2 ship Mines:2:8:2 Marines:4:8:4 Shuttles:1:2:1 Federation Fed-Frigate2 Hideki hideki F-TRACTOR-I:3 F-TRANSPORTER-I:1 F-ARMOR-I:2 F-COMPUTER-I:1 F-WARP-I:1 F-IMPULSE-I:2 F-THRUSTER-I:3 PHASER IXF:1 PHASER IXF:2 PHASER IXF:3 LIGHT PLASMA TORPEDO:12 OFFICER:ENGINEER: OFFICER:SECURITY: OFFICER:HELM: OFFICER:OPS: OFFICER:TACTICAL: OFFICER:MEDICAL: F-SHIELD-II:1 F-SHIELD-II:4 F-SHIELD-II:3 F-SHIELD-II:2 Note: The 2 in Frigate2 may have to be changed depending on how many Frigates there are.
The Hideki class is one of the most important ships in the Cardassian fleet, if only due to their high numbers. The Cardassians have always sought to produce simple, easy-to-build ships which pack a
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