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Britain Class

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-07-30 22:07:00
9 просмотров
fighters that we saw in the Dominion War! Please feel free to include this vessel in any mod for Starfleet Command III but please ask me first before modifiying the model or textures or porting the ship to another format. If you want to use this ship in SFC2x then rename all of the jpegs to bitmaps, import the britain.mod file into max and swap the hardpoints around so that 12-25 are primaries and 1-11 are heavies as supposed to the other way around which is how SFC3 works. I believe the break model should work as-is in SFC2x. When writing your spec files I would suggest that you make it similar to a powerful Akira but with less photon torpedoes due to the lack of a roll bar pod. Enjoy! Daniel Clarke
Class Name: Britain Class Registry: NCC 81883 Designation: USS Majesty The Britain Class is a heavy support cruiser/carrier. I felt that we needed a TNG+ carrier for all those peregrine class
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