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Cloaking U.S.S Enterprise-D

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-11 22:08:00
12 просмотров
Enterprise-D *note do not remove the last name (U.S.S Enterprise-D) from the installation directory. If you do you can\'t play with this model. For activating this model you must open Assets\\Models\\U.S.S Enterprise-D and look in the Spec.txt there you see what you must do to activate the weapons and shielding. Now if you want to know why I have made this model, play the game and select the U.S.S Enterprise-D model and you can read the text in the top of the screen. Retextures: Michel Neder - Only I put the name of the Enterprise on it. All thanks and credits to the original maker: Activision - for making the Galaxy Class. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For any questions or bug\'s please report it and send an e-mail to michelneder@hotmail.com
To install this vessel to you starfleet command 3 directory, select next and choose the directory you wish to install it. The default is C:\\Program Files\\Activision\\Sfc3\\Assets\\Models\\U.S.S
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