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Nova Class

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-02-06 23:02:00
4 просмотра
armed with several phasers and photon torpedoes. The shuttlebay is located in the back on deck 4. The Nova may be a replacement for the Oberth-class. The aeroshuttle is on the ventral side of the saucer, it is designed for both interstellar and atmospheric travel. The Nova class design follows a conventional approach to traditional Federation starship design with an angular trowel-shaped saucer section, an engineering hull and two cigar-shaped warp nacelles are attached to the hull by pylons running aft. The main bridge is embedded into the saucer to provide for better protection from enemy fire by blocking against attacks from the side. At the bow of the saucer is the auxiliary navigational deflector, lifeboats, sensor platforms, phaser strips and two torpedo launchers. The ship's ventral phaser arrays, a waverider shuttle, additional sensors and more lifeboats occupy the ventral saucer. The engineering hull houses the main deflector dish, shield emitters, two shuttlebays and a warp core. The Nova class is one of the first starships built with an Emergency Medical Hologram system.
Nova-class starships are small planetary research vessels that were designed in the late 24th century. They have a crew compliment of only 80, 8 decks and about 180 meters in length. The ships are
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