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Pre-Tos D19 Class

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-07-02 22:07:00
16 просмотров
NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE Copyright 2001 by Interplay Entertainment Corp. All Rights Reserved. Portions copyright 2000 Amarillo Design Bureau. Some elements based upon the board games created by Amarillo Design Bureau. Star Trek Starfleet Command(R) :Orion Pirates(TM) Copyright 2001 Interplay Entertainment Corp. All Rights Reserved. Registered and Copyright 2000 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Star Trek is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures and Starfleet Command and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved. Interplay, the Interplay logo, \"By Gamers, For Gamers\", 14 East and the 14 East logo are trademarks of Interplay Entertainment Corp. Taldren and the Taldren logo are trademarks of Taldren, Inc. Exclusively licensed and distributed by Interplay Entertainment Corp. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
Pre-Tos D19 Class AUTHOR: DARKDRONE Mesh: Darkdrone Textures: Darkdrone Format : sfc/op/sfc3 Break Model: Yes LOD\'s: No Hardpoints: Yes TO BE USED IN YOUR PERSONAL SFC GAME,
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