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The Final Product

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-12 00:01:00
7 просмотров
anymore, there\'s always the chance this may be the last track I make, so I thought the name fit the track quite well. (I still have a few I\'ll upload later, though). About the track: A fast track with some close jumps, some new ideas and a great, incredibly well calculated finish The track is nothing sensational, but I find it very fun to drive. The track can be quite hard at first. At the start you need maintain your speed quite well in the first curve to make the following jump. There are also a couple of mini-\"jumps\" in the track that\'ll probably send you off the track the first times, but with a little practice you\'ll quickly learn how to deal with them. When you do, they become quite fun imo, and are quite important if you want to make a good time. When you know the track well it\'s not really that hard at all, but I still chose to rate it expert due to the steep learning curve. The mood is sunset, but the screen is a mixture of sunrise, day and sunset.[/quote]
This well constructed map is here for enjoyment only! [quote] Named after one of my favorite songs, Final Product by Nevermore (You can listen to it here.) Since I hardly make tracks
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