Name: Thorn Age: 26 Race: Human Data: Thorn was captured raiding an Imperial store house. She took out 12 guards before they captured her. The base commander knew talent when he saw it and
I loved DM-MORBIAS and DM-GAEL so i wanted a map with the best of the two maps. I took DM-GAEL and started working on it adding or subtracting things. I added one level and the Redemeer, and
This map is small. But what it lacks in size it makes up for in gameplay. I found this map very intense,fun and fast :) u have to be very quick on this map. The texturing of the map could be made
I designed the fortress to be well-defended and have good movement within as well as z-axis fighting. There are a couple of intentional \"choke\" points to provide a very defendable area. The Super
Two good female skins wich can be installed by a simple press on the ut2mod file and adding 2 lines of the readme wich alot off people seem to forget:mepimp:
A born warrior, No questions asked. She says that she was trained by an immortal force of nature named Xenocide. Who or what that is not known but Marysa follows a code that normaly leaves a body
Up high within the trees lives a crow. This crow is not an ordanary crow, this crow holds an instigib and a beer. The bases are seperated by trees and a platform for monuvering. On the sides are two