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Unreal Tournament 2004

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Добавил: The DSystem
13 просмотров
Map made by LogiteX released for Unreal Tournament 2004. This is a CTF map made for Unreal Tournament 2004 and was made by LogiteX.


Добавил: The DSystem
15 просмотров
Map made by Emanuel 'krolizard' Da Roit released for Unreal Tournament 2004. This is a CTF map made for Unreal Tournament 2004 and was made by Emanuel 'krolizard' Da Roit.

ASnipe's Static Meshes V2 (V2)

Добавил: The DSystem
19 просмотров
Files contain static mesh models for the game UT2004 and the UT2004 mod Killing Floor. The enclosed UT2004 DM- prefix map (or KF- prefix for Killing Floor Mod map) contains the static meshes. Installation below explains how to get your chosen me


Добавил: The DSystem
28 просмотров
AS-Warship is a very different type of map; originally can really be seen here! In AS-Warship, you can be on one of two teams: the attackers or the defenders. The attackers try to board the ship,

ASnipe's Static Meshes V2

Добавил: The DSystem
26 просмотров
About 50 static meshes with importing made easier -- load asnipe's static meshes in UnrealEd and then load your map straight after and the meshes will be in your myLevel, textures and all. (full

The Hive - In the Sewers

Добавил: The DSystem
20 просмотров
The Hive - In the Sewers Written and recorded by MWinteringham a member of Undertone. This track is used for the story mode map the The Hive for Killing Floor. It is meant to bring on a feeling of suspense and a few surprises by including sounds

D3nnisK's FORTS Install Bug Fix

Добавил: The DSystem
21 просмотр
If the mutator does not work after installation, try this out. I re-installed the mutator after removing everything and it worked without problems. For sure, remove all other mutators from the active-mutator list when playing ONS with the FORTS mutat

D3nnisK's FORTS v2.0

Добавил: The DSystem
17 просмотров
Turn any UT 2004 Onslaught-map into a classic Real-Time-Strategy battlefield. Play the game like you never did before...


Добавил: The DSystem
18 просмотров
Map made by Ratchet (Ratz) released for Unreal Tournament 2004. This is a CTF map made for Unreal Tournament 2004 and was made by Ratchet (Ratz).

KF-Arcade Shopping Centera

Добавил: The DSystem
21 просмотр
This map is a big shopping center with alot of graffiti textures and effects. The story is: Your squad was searching for some food after fighting the evil at many places to get some power back but the evil is on its way to enter the shopping center..

страница:   1... 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70... 766
Всего материалов:  7657