In the heart of a hidden jungle on a planet distant from our own, the ruins of an ancient civilization lay in ruins but are more lively than ever with the coming of Liandri Corp. The water temple has been restored and has become a must see in tournament m
The Tehan Production Facility only operates at night and only under full moon; the reasons for this working schedule are unknown, as are the contents of the mysterious boxes it produces. Its use as an arena in the tournament is costly and limited to
This map is a remake of a classical map from Quake 3, the map is built as a hightech facility, the map have been tested with bots and by friends of mine and have been changed a couple of times.
DM-[UH]-Arena-318 [UH]-Arena-138 made it by Glacius.MA Installation : .UT2 => Système foldere Contacte : For more information on Unreal Tournament 2004, visit
Treetops3beta beta version place the .ut2 in your ut2004maps folder all credit (that i can think of) goes to me! freddie sladen have fun! and and suggestions would be nice drop me a mail at this file was at
==================== Unreal Tournament 2004 ==================== TITLE:Rankin-Raped AUTHOR: Originally the master "Hourences" but raped by {TARD-4u2nv E-MAIL: FILENAME:Rankin-Raped FILESIZE:
================================================== ~[TR]~Relics Super Mario Map Pack - by Joe (Relic) Unik ================================================== A collection of Super Mario themed maps for UT2004 made by ~{TR}~Relic Maps included