I spent longer than my typical 1 -3 days making this map than my others, Maybe a total of 1 week. I was really focusing on creating more z axis points and optimizing for the best fps. I had a good time playing this in instant action against the bots
==================== Unreal Tournament 2004 ==================== TITLE: DOWN THE DRAIN AUTHOR: ROY S. E-MAIL: 7391172SIN@COMCAST.NET WEBSITE: http://unrealtournament2004.filefront.com FILENAME: DM-DOWNTHEDRAIN FILESIZE: 5166KB DATE RELEASE
This is a small arena style map with a simple layout. The construction time was only three days. The map supports bots. There is not much z-axis gameplay but it could be fun nevertheless if you like this style to play. - GothmogAngband