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Slave Master

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-07-29 22:07:00
22 просмотра
When a slave picks up items, they are given to his master and the slave earns \"favor.\" If a slave can earn 100 favor, he has \"earned his freedom\" and respawns as a player again. Another way for a slave to earn favor is by \"tagging\" enemy masters. Slaves can shoot a tagging orb by pressing primary fire. Once a player has been tagged, the slave\'s master can easily see the location of the tagged player. The objective is to enslave every other player in the match.\" This makes want to play deathmatch now! One battle can last a long time. (>^_^)>
\"Slave Master is a free-for-all gametype, like Deathmatch. When a player is killed, they respawn as their killer\'s slave. Slaves have a ghost-like appearance and cannot receive nor deal damage.
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