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-Level Category Domination -Level Name DOM-Alpha4 -Level Designer Caleb 'Janaroe' Aldridge (aldridge@engr.orst.edu) -Recommended Number of Players 6-10 -Level Information
================================================================ Title :DOM-Alofmethbin Version :1.6 Release Date :01/16/99 Files :DOM-Alofmethbin.UNR Unreal Type: :Unreal T
File Name: DOM-Alleys Map Title: Dark Alley Domination Author: Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar Ideal Player Load: 10-16 Map Music: Razor-ub.umx Build time:Only took me a few days on UnrealEd. Email address: roberto_tobar@yahoo.com Webs
============================================================================= Title : A House Forlorn Filename : DOM-AHouseForlorn.umod (DOM-AHouseForlorn.unr,DOM-AHouseForlorn.txt, HouseForlorn.utx,AHous
================================================ Title :The Adenoid Research Facility Release Date :25 August 2000 Filename :D0M-Adenoid.unr Author :David Herrington E-mail address :Dr_herrington@hotmail.com Other levels by
This is my first attempt at maps...so be patient :) the domination one is slightly different that the deathmatch but only sometically really. they both play very fast,and since i kept the size down its good for ping to i found. report anythi