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Map name DOM-BigTubes.unr Author Major_Labia "Big Pussy" My first attempt at a map Its pretty fun. Don't count on the bots to be too smart though There is also a Death Match version. Note: There is a hidden teleporter, in both version
================================================================ Title : DOM-AbandonedSilos Version : 1.00 Release Date : 08-21-2001 Filename : dom-abandonedsilos.zip Author : Bram 'Leto I
DOM-Abandoned Alan "Zeuhl" Fleming Zeuhl@hotmail.com April 8, 2000
This level, my second, was built in 2 day. It is a small domination map for about 6-9 players. If you play you should probably have translocator turned on to get some
Authors: Gaz "!$HU!&" Morgan and Phil "Fatcat_UK" Stowell Level name: DOM-4 Towers Editor used: Unrealed Build Time: 2 weeks during school time Problems? contact Gaz at "brassmonkey@the-pentagon.com" or Phil at "Fatcat_uk_md@yahoo.co.uk
Map name: DOM-4rooms Copyright: You may freely distribute this map, if you want. Contact: jdx@unrealkingdom.com Author: jdx Descrition: DOM-4rooms is jdx's first unreal map. It is named after the movie, but has nothing to do with it. It
================================================================ Title : 3 Bent Wangs Version : What ever number is first. Release Date : Sometime after the Y2k bug Filename : DO