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I liked playing this level so I thought I would enhance my gaming experience and make my own version. The new additions to this level are more weapons, weapons and pickups respawn faster, and a
I liked playing this level so I thought I would enhance my gaming experience and make my own version. The new additions to this level are more weapons, weapons and pickups respawn faster, and a telepor
I liked playing this level so I thought I would enhance my gaming experience and make my own version. The new additions to this level are more weapons, weapons and pickups respawn faster, and a new um
I liked playing this level so I thought I would enhance my gaming experience and make my own version. The new additions to this level are weapons and pickups repawn faster, has a new .umx file, there
================================================================ Title : CTF-fear_of_nali Version : 1.0 Release Date : 06.04.2000 Filename : CTF-fear_of_nali.zip Author
================================================================ Title : Tanker Version : 1.0 Release Date : June 18th 2000 Filename : CTF-Tanker.unr Author(s) :
Map title: SuperSlam Map type: CTF single or multiplayer map Author: Shaun, AKA: The-Crow.UNO Time to make: Appx. 16 hours Bot Support: Yes New textures or sounds: No Bugs: None known, if you find any, please e-mail me with the