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Pyramid Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
18 просмотров
A custom Capture the Flag map for Unreal Tournament. Тэги:
Pull My Finger ][ Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
20 просмотров
If you can't get this file from file planet try: http://www.macrosoftcorp.com/groove/CTF-PullMyFinger][.zip ============================================================ Title : -Pull My Finger][- Version Тэги:
CTF-Platus Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
17 просмотров
Simple Capture the flag level. Big lava pit with a nice sniper spot looking into both bases. Тэги:
Phat Valley Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
21 просмотр
Phat Valley ~~~~~~~~~~~~ File : CTF-Phat.unr Map Name : Phat Valley Author : [XA]HoopDawg Email : hoopdawg@bigfoot.com Website : www.xaclan.com Released : October 16, 2000 Тэги:
Over Sludge Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
21 просмотр
========================================================= ---GAME INFO--- TITLE : Over Sludge FILES : CTF-OverSludge.unr, CTF-OverSludge.txt GAME : Unreal Tournament AUTHOR : EpsCylonB AUTHOR EMAIL : burchill@btinternet.com W Тэги:
CTF Orbital Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
12 просмотров
A Custom Capture the Flag map for Unreal Tournament Тэги:
Newvember Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
23 просмотра
Map Name: CTF-Newvember Type: Unreal Tournament CTF New Textures: None New Sounds: None New Meshes: None Author: The-Crow[DOJ] Author Contact: sscmf@hotmail.com Time To build: Not too long. :o) Bugs: None Known, please e- Тэги:
Newvember 1 Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
19 просмотров
Map Name: CTF-Newvember1.unr Type: Unreal Tournament CTF New Textures: None New Sounds: None New Meshes: None Author: The-Crow[DOJ] Author Contact: sscmf@hotmail.com Author web site: www.clandoj.com Time To build: A few s Тэги:
Mortal Metal Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
20 просмотров
The Red base is exactly thesame as the Blue base. There's 1 Redeemer inside. and 4 different ways to enter the enemy base. Have Fun and get fragging! Тэги:
The Land of Mordant Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-13 00:01:00
13 просмотров
Unreal Tournament Map ================================================================ Title : Mordant Filename : CTF-Mordant.unr Author : Patrik Svensson Email Address : Тэги: