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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Heroic Arena

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-18 23:01:00
9 просмотров
developer has stated that this version has been thoroughly tested, and is 100% bug free; In order to be able to play this mini-game, there must be four players ready to join, if you start with less than four players, the game will automatically close. Get your [i]game playing[/i] strategy skills ready, once you are in this Heroic Arena, you will have to put your cunning, planning & tactics abilities as well as some great team effort to use in order to be victorious, and walk away with bragging rights. Refer to the readme for additional information.
killer-Clint has submitted a fun but short 4 player map that is the perfect choice if you and three of you\'re friends are looking to kill some time, while showing off your uber tactical skilz! The
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