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Карта aim_memorial для cs 1.6

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Просмотры: 97
Загрузки: 36
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aim_memorial Counter-Strike map by timmycakes Description: Shootout at the Australian War Memorial. This combat/skill map takes place in the real world location (edited for gameplay and FPS) of the [Australian War Memorial] (http://radiantphotograph.com/wordpress/wp-content/...) in Treloar Crescent. It is very large considering it is an AIM map, but I feel that every area of the map is necessary. Features: - Balanced Gameplay - Large Open Areas Mixed with CQC - Ambient Sounds - A Lovely Secret (not terribly hard to find) - Hint/Vis optimization (as much as possible) - Contains Large Amounts of Love I spent a good deal of time on this so any feedback is appreciated! Rate, comment, enjoy! Note: Since this is such a large and open map, the FPS may dip in the main areas, but hopefully not much.

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