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AxlFly (beta 9b)
by Axl Axl Axl Go Stl Rams!
HOW TO PLAY - (it's like murderball)
Grab Homer and hold onto him as long as you
can! 1 point is given to your team for every 5 seconds
you have Him. If you have Homer you
can give your entire team Quad Damage by stepping on
the button on the top of either teams balcony.
(beta 9b 12/30/2004)
- Changed scoreboard textures from flags to Homer
- made lights under the hill slightly brighter
(beta 9)
- Dug a trench in the top of the hill. This
should keep players from hitting the lip
at the top and making them easy targets for
- Retextured some stuff
- Added some structure at the bottom of the
base pillars to give more cover and added
vents for safe landings from balconys
- added a slightly hidden health kit
- The birds are angry!
- That middle part on the launch ramps will
now electrify people who block
- Made some shelter at the hill tunnel
- This beta increased the overall wpoly count
by 50 or more. Hopefully this won't cause too
much video lag
(beta 8)
- made all 4 tress hollow
- changed sky box from from starry, to sunny
(beta 7b)
- added 4 trees
- changed the floor under hill
- made it so spies cant disguise with flag
(beta 7)
- Made custom textures for the scoreboard
- Made Quad Damage pads bigger
- Changed the armor amount you get from the
bags from %50 to %20
- Altered the ramps to better direct players
at the flag instead of going over it.
- lined up some textures
- Changed ceiling texture under the hill
- Changed the top back wall of the bases from
the boring flat line look.
- Changed max viewable distance to 16000
- Changed team names in GUI
- Gave each team 2 more respawn points
(beta 6b)
- Changed sand texture to grass and added sidewalks.
- Made quad damage last 5 seconds
- made lights even brighter under hill
(beta 6)
- Made it so when you drop the flag, the scoreboard
resets itself
- Added wavs to better indicate who has the flag
and when flag returns.
- Fixed big scaled wall problem under hill that
theWALRUS and Kodak bitched to me about. :)
(beta 5)
- Added Flag Location Scoreboard
- Changed quad damage reset from 45 to 20 seconds
- made lights brighter under hill
- fixed little bug with quad cap button
- Changed bag reset from 5 to 8 seconds
Most maps take months to complete. I made this
over a weekend. Hate this map? Don't Care.
I made it so I love it. Deal with it.