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First of all.. i not recommend this plugin support for those have weak stomach. if you don't like the screenshaking shoot effect on your screen.. so its up to you if you wan't this amxx Plugin. but if wan't to play Realistic M82 badass! Shoot.. so GO! Try it.
Cadeopreto - model,texture M95 Based Lonewolf - scope & upper safetystock pillow model Stoke - does part of lonewolf's are textures Kimono - scope base part texture m4tlock - cover scope model,texture End of Days - handle Carrier, & metric sight Models El Maestro de Graffiti - does part of EOD's are textures & UV William Brutality - sleeve model ImbrokeRU - animation kot23rus - animation port Modderfreak - sound MgX-AK47 - sound -anders- - Sound Dice - battlefield 3 M82 shoot sound Arkshine - amxx. script V3X - amxx. scripts - sleeve texture - handrigged and parts of EOD's are ports too - compile, seq anims edit, & Texture edited, Chromes