| Добавил: root 2016-02-10 19:52:45 133 просмотра
Hello there, I made a new set of animations for the Galil slot
**AKS-74U Animations**
I worked on this for a pretty long time, and it was WORTH IT! >:D
You can choose between these:
- Thanez (Default) or Acid_Snake Textures
- Silenced or Unsilenced
- Strelok or Vunsuntas sounds
Video by ItBankRock:
Video by Manelag:
[CS1.6 Version (Ported by OLAF)](http://www.gamebanana.com/skins/109550 "CS 1.6 Version (ported by OLAF)") Have Fun! rawr :3 Тэги: | |