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Drown's Modern Galil

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-02-10 19:18:08
113 просмотров
  • Drown's Modern Galil Skin screenshot
  • Drown's Modern Galil Skin screenshot
  • Drown's Modern Galil Skin screenshot
  • Drown's Modern Galil Skin screenshot
  • Drown's Modern Galil Skin screenshot

Hello Banana

This is my latest reskin, a "modern" retexture for the default Galil. I always found the default Galil texture very broing and old school, so I made up a new one. This release features HD Textures, Normals and some shaders like Phong.

However, this might be the last skin I am doing for a rather long time that I will put on this site. I might be leaving GameBanana for some months or longer, depends on my personal motivation. Bye :)

This one features:

- HD Textures
- Normals
- Phong


Put the ctstrike folder in your counter-strike source folder and click overwrite if asked. Enjoy!

