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Dysan's New GSG-9

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-09-24 14:40:13
106 просмотров
  • Dysan's New GSG-9 Skin screenshot
  • Dysan's New GSG-9 Skin screenshot
  • Dysan's New GSG-9 Skin screenshot

(Special thanks to WhoDaresWin's UK for helping me figure out how to get normal maps to work correctly.) This is an update to my old GSG-9 skin. Look there for the other list changes.


I decided to make this one because the normal maps on the old one, though now fixed, had lighting problems. So with new normal maps, I also decided to...

*Added a slight coloration to the body armor. *Added new soles to the bottom of the shoes. *New camo design on the helmet (I spent awhile on Photoshop making this from scratch. :P) *Fixed an issue where the skin appeared to be covered in ash or dirt.
