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Counter-Strike: Source
Woodland Forces Leet *Download fixed*

Woodland Forces Leet *Download fixed*

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-11-20 03:34:07
92 просмотра
  • Woodland Forces Leet *Download fixed* Skin screenshot
  • Woodland Forces Leet *Download fixed* Skin screenshot
  • Woodland Forces Leet *Download fixed* Skin screenshot
  • Woodland Forces Leet *Download fixed* Skin screenshot

This has been my first skin in along time, and probobly one of my hardest. While talking to Kagoshima, I've found out a new way to make seams look better split up, and more noticable.. Which really takes along time. But the end results are worth it. If this is rated good, I will slowly release every T skin in this same fashion.

Also, this was done with the Default normals.

I'd just like to thank kagoshima for all of his help, and taking these great screenshots, and making that render for me.

You can not resubmit this on any other site, and if you wish to add it to a pack to release on this site, ask me for permission first.
