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Accurate Waffen SS Skin

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-07-01 11:40:09
117 просмотров
  • Accurate Waffen SS Skin Skin screenshot
  • Accurate Waffen SS Skin Skin screenshot

Day of Defeat: Source

TITLE: Accurate Waffen SS Skin AUTHOR: erwintxlssah (tx1ssbattalion) E-MAIL: erwintxlssah@yahoo.com

FILENAME: waffenssskin.zip FILESIZE: 4.01 MB DATE RELEASED: December 18, 2005

CREDITS: I would give credits to 'rotzbu' for allowing me to use his ss skin as a base for mine

DESCRIPTION: This skin if for historical accuricy; if you find anything you feel not right feel free to contact me.

COMMENTS: Enjoy, and see you on the field of battle!
