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Light Fuse...Run Away

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 05:09:32
113 просмотров
  • Light Fuse...Run Away Skin screenshot
  • Light Fuse...Run Away Skin screenshot
  • Light Fuse...Run Away Skin screenshot
  • Light Fuse...Run Away Skin screenshot

So, this was my third day on GMOD I was just fooling around with idea when I came across this, there really isn't much to it. Arm the nuke and get the hell out of there before you get blown into tiny tiny bits.

Make use of the thrusters on the Jeep as they will help you escape with minimal damage. I've set of the nuke a few times and escaped with about 66 to 40 HP left. I also set up a Nuke Fallout on the other side of the map. Although it doesn't exactly help cause sometimes it can get blown away.

This nuke mod was NOT made by me but it's recommended to be downloaded if you don't have it already.


Make sure you use the "Nuke Detonator" not the Air-strike or the Redeemer, I've used the Airstrike and I had no chance of escaping.

:: Dont worry about the Combine, they shouldn't slow you down, there's two metrocops inside the nuke room but there harmless. Theres about 8 Combine soldiers outside with AR2, no threat just get in the jeep and abuse the turbo and the thrusters ::

:: DEMO :: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mjt2ezdjmin
