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BDRM-2 for Buggy

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-12-08 02:38:29
242 просмотра
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot
  • BDRM-2 for Buggy Skin screenshot

This is what you can call a reboot of Markworth's APC Buggy mod

The model is of Half Life 2's beta APC, with abandoned/derelict ones being seen in some of the later City17 levels in the retail version of the game.


The textures make it look like a BRDM-2/BTR-70 hybrid, with three optional paint-jobs/camos. The impact decals of the Gauss guns have also been changed to make it look like an auto-cannon, especially the impact decal of the charged shot.


Motor sounds have been changed to diesel engine's, and the gauss gun's sounds were changes to sound more like an auto-cannon.


The gauss gun's projectiles still need to be changed, but that would require a whole new .pcf file to be made, which is a complex process currently beyond my skillset. Changing the projectile will be very long term goal though.
