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Left 4 Dead
[PROJECT: Realism] Louis (L4D)

[PROJECT: Realism] Louis (L4D)

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-02-04 10:59:01
160 просмотров
  • [PROJECT: Realism] Louis (L4D) Skin screenshot
  • [PROJECT: Realism] Louis (L4D) Skin screenshot
  • [PROJECT: Realism] Louis (L4D) Skin screenshot
  • [PROJECT: Realism] Louis (L4D) Skin screenshot
  • [PROJECT: Realism] Louis (L4D) Skin screenshot

{ PROJECT: Realism } [Left4Dead] A small, fanbased modification for "Left4Dead" to make it seem a bit more "Realistic" Texture wise.

Mod comes with both: -Texture

Nothing I do is perfect, keep that in mind and remember I only do this for fun. If you have an issue with it, delete it/don't download it.

Ok, I admit it. It's not perfect. The fact that the game duplicates one of the texture fields for the other side kind of ticked me off but you only really see ONE arm.

In this, thanks to a user recommendation, I did NOT add in a bandage on his arm (like in The Sacrifice comic) HOWEVER! I DID in fact include a BITE mark on his arm (as you see in the screenshots) so that should suffice. Right?

This is a TEXTURE mod, not a MODEL mod, so there really isn't any backing up except your pak01_dir.vpk file.

You need Notepad++ to alter the pak01_dir.vpk file: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download It's free.

WARNING: Be sure to backup your "pak01_dir.vpk" file before editing, just so you have the ORIGINAL (or at least an original of your own) in case you fuck something up.
