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Strickland propane

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 00:12:05
114 просмотров
  • Strickland propane Skin screenshot
  • Strickland propane Skin screenshot
  • Strickland propane Skin screenshot
  • Strickland propane Skin screenshot

To install, be sure to follow this tutorial.

Then, open pak01_dir with notepad++ and use the find function to find "propanecanister001a"

the line will include "$basetexture" \models\props_junk\propanecanister001a

change "propanecanister001a" to "propanecanister1" and save. Then, install the skin like normal.

make backups of this file, i am not responsible for any problems you encounter.

So this is an idea a friend suggested to me - if you are a "King of the Hill" fan, you will like this. If not, then you may not.

King of the hill is an American animated show about a propane salesmen who lives in texas. Its kinda funny.

So it is nothing special. I didn't improve the resolution or anything because it looks fine.
