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Nick's Fixed Hands (FINAL)

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 07:52:27
138 просмотров
  • Nick's Fixed Hands (FINAL) Skin screenshot
  • Nick's Fixed Hands (FINAL) Skin screenshot
  • Nick's Fixed Hands (FINAL) Skin screenshot
  • Nick's Fixed Hands (FINAL) Skin screenshot
  • Nick's Fixed Hands (FINAL) Skin screenshot

Well look at this! I went ahead and started playing Left 4 Dead 2 again. One thing I noticed, was that my original Nick's Fixed Hands skin was a little... dated. It also didn't work very well on higher detail levels.

So, I went ahead and improved it a bit!


Q: What's new in this final version? A: I've vastly improved the texture, and also edited the alpha channels in the normal map so that it works properly on higher detail levels. I also darkened the skin color a bit, because they seemed a bit too white.

Q: What was wrong with Nick's hands in the first place? A: For some reason, nothing was right on his texture. As you can see in the "before" screenshots, Nick's hands used to have this annoying tan-line(?) that made no sense, and the texture also didn't wrap properly around the model.

Q: Why's this the final version? A: At this point, I think I've done all I can do to get the texture where it looks decent enough.

Q: **Can I use this with reskins of Nick? **A: No. Not unless you add the hand texture and the alpha channel to the reskin of your choice yourself.

Q: Am I allowed to do that? A: You are allowed to use the texture on any reskin of Nick that you want, but you do not have my permission to redistribute it.
