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Left 4 Dead 2
Punisher Hunter Update VPK!

Punisher Hunter Update VPK!

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-24 05:22:32
124 просмотра
  • Punisher Hunter Update VPK! Skin screenshot
  • Punisher Hunter Update VPK! Skin screenshot
  • Punisher Hunter Update VPK! Skin screenshot
  • Punisher Hunter Update VPK! Skin screenshot

I mainly made this skin cause I was bored and had nothing better to do...

Punsiher Skull on the hoodie and the white separating the two skulls is the zipper

as a bonus I made it look as if his face was falling apart revealing the skull and just to match the theme I made his hoodie darker

UPDATE: Now with vpk

to install (for those who want it to work in other game modes other tahn single player and campaign) place bunter_01.vtf in left 4 dead 2/left4dead2/materials/models/infected/hunter open your pak01_dir.vpk with notepad++ and find $baseTexture "models\infected\hunter\hunter_01" and replace with $baseTexture "models\infected\hunter\bunter_01"

if anyone is wondering how I removed the orange on the infected vision

go to left 4 dead 2/left4dead2/materials/correction and delete infected.pwl.raw and infected.raw but I suggest just moving them to a safe place in case you want the orange back ;)
