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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Smashified Shirts (for Lucas and Ness)

Smashified Shirts (for Lucas and Ness)

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-01 19:52:59
104 просмотра
  • Smashified Shirts (for Lucas and Ness) Skin screenshot
  • Smashified Shirts (for Lucas and Ness) Skin screenshot
  • Smashified Shirts (for Lucas and Ness) Skin screenshot
  • Smashified Shirts (for Lucas and Ness) Skin screenshot

Here are the official texture mods for Lucas and Ness that were used in Smashified's T-shirt campaign! Alot of people have requested the mods to be available for download. So here they are! Enjoy, and thank you to all of those that were able to buy a shirt and help us with the trip fees to SmashCon!

Campaign Video of Mod in Use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pU4hBaO3t8

Disclaimer: This does not mean that Smashified as a whole is gearing toward modding. Sure, there are one or two members(me being one of them) that have done modding, but it's mostly for learning purposes. Feel free to mod Smashified content if you wish! Smashified "is a community project, and we want the community to benefit from our efforts."
