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TF Logo Bill's Hat Insignia

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 19:32:53
129 просмотров
  • TF Logo Bill's Hat Insignia Skin screenshot
  • TF Logo Bill's Hat Insignia Skin screenshot
  • TF Logo Bill's Hat Insignia Skin screenshot
  • TF Logo Bill's Hat Insignia Skin screenshot
  • TF Logo Bill's Hat Insignia Skin screenshot
  • TF Logo Bill's Hat Insignia Skin screenshot

An insignia more fitting for the TF2niverse. Also compatible with paint!

As a newbie, this was a real pain to finally get working. Hopefully, all of the effort's paid off. If there are any errors that require fixing or other additions, say so in the comments and I'll see what I can do.
