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Emu's halloween payload cart

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 11:35:10
124 просмотра
  • Emu's halloween payload cart Skin screenshot
  • Emu's halloween payload cart Skin screenshot
  • Emu's halloween payload cart Skin screenshot

A halloween themed payload cart, originally designed for Fug servers over at fugtf2.com. After server-side skins were disapproved I was told to FPSB this, and here we are.:)

extract the props_trainyard folder to:

steam directory/steamapps/user name/team fortress 2/tf/materials/models

Creative Commons License
Halloween Payload Cart by AudioEmu (Hunter Trout) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

With the following waiver:

-You may alter the textures as long as, if it is distibuted, I am credited for the original(s).
-You may use this skin serverside without credit, but credit would really be appreciated =]

