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Bright-Colored Sco-Res Stickies!

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-23 17:05:15
106 просмотров
  • Bright-Colored Sco-Res Stickies! Skin screenshot
  • Bright-Colored Sco-Res Stickies! Skin screenshot
  • Bright-Colored Sco-Res Stickies! Skin screenshot

FixIt Industries proudly presents...

Another Fine Fulminating Feature! Bright-Colored Scottish Resistance Sticky-Bombs!

These new sticky-bombs look sharp, and will happily light up any bottleneck or Control Point, before lighting up your opponents in a festive spray of shrapnel and bodily effluence! Comes in two cheery (and delicious!) flavors: Bluberry BLU, and... uh... Redberry RED! :D

Sorry shen, I loved your Bright Sticky-Bombs so much, I couldn't wait for you to get around to doing these ones. (Please don't sue me; I'm poor. ;-;)

Want the matching set to go with your new Sco-Res stickies? Hit up lordshenlong for the originals!

Alternate Bright Sticky-Bombs -> http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/44279

Enhanced Team Grenades -> http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/44212
