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TARDIS Emblem Spy Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 13:22:08
106 просмотров
  • TARDIS Emblem Spy Skin Skin screenshot
  • TARDIS Emblem Spy Skin Skin screenshot
  • TARDIS Emblem Spy Skin Skin screenshot
  • TARDIS Emblem Spy Skin Skin screenshot
  • TARDIS Emblem Spy Skin Skin screenshot
  • TARDIS Emblem Spy Skin Skin screenshot

I just made this skin as a test and even because a friend of mine wanted a Spy with a customized TARDIS emblem on a Spy... Not one of my best skin I made (I made some others I didn't uploaded and that I made after the previous one).

I promise to make a Rassilon seal Spy emblem soon when I can. Meanwhile enjoy this.

