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World War Two BattleField

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-17 00:08:00
8 просмотров
to a series of winding dugouts through which you can crawl around in to various points in the map. The battlefield itself is a pretty plain land with a few bumps and ditches scattered around. Scattered around the field are electric fences (that kill upon contact) and what seem to be landmines (which are near impossible to find until you step on them). A rather clever idea added to this map is that all the pickups are scaled down to a tiny size which means the focus isn\'t on huge rotating hypos interrupting the view but rather the battlefield itself. The dugouts have large stocks of ammo to pick up so you\'d probably want to stay close to them (especially since you won\'t find a lot of cover out on the field). What I would have liked to see is less of a rectangular arena feel to the map. Perhaps some rough rains with fog clouds rolling across to make the rather large field feel a little less open would really have added an atmosphere. Though the idea behind this map is pretty nice and it\'s been pulled off fairly well. You may want to check it out :) [b]Bot Support:[/b] No [b]New Textures:[/b] No [b]New Sounds:[/b] No [b]New Models:[/b] No
This map is a recreation of a WW2 Battlefield, except with a few modern items thrown in. On each end of the battlefield are two bunkers underground. The bunkers have one exit/entrance that leads out
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