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Kill Tracker

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-05-28 22:05:00
13 просмотров
get killed, you kill somebody, you get assimilated or you assimilate somebody. It also logs kills per person too :) All messages can be customized, which I think is a great idea because it gives you freedom to say what you want automaticly. This is really worth downloading - especialy if you are a assim fan, but it does work for all modes, and is fully compatible with all EF Launches (Gamespy etc) as long as you set them up to run kill tracker.exe All in all - GO DOWNLOAD NOW! [i]File has been check for virusis and is clear[/i]
This is the first released kill tracker for Elite Force that I know of. It's quite amazing, it logs every time you kill somebody and then it says it to all on the server. It does that for when you
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