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Meshka's AWP of Darkness

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-18 13:35:21
88 просмотров
  • Meshka's AWP of Darkness Skin screenshot
  • Meshka's AWP of Darkness Skin screenshot
  • Meshka's AWP of Darkness Skin screenshot
  • Meshka's AWP of Darkness Skin screenshot
  • Meshka's AWP of Darkness Skin screenshot

This is my first AWP skin, so I decided to keep it simple by darkening the parts of the AWP variously, at first site, it looks all darkened the same darkness, but it is not; the scope, copper, bolts, butt, chamber, bolt, and barrell are all various darkness/shades. It was pretty simple, done in about 25-30 minutes.
