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Far away from our land, is a place for the deaths to rest in peace. But in times it all got under the curse of living death. After many years the curse died for no reason and the places has been
A revised UT2K4 DM map. Credit is given to the original author. I merely revised it to play on KF2.5. It is a medium-sized map about the frozen cavern with a KF trader and weapons. Respawnable
MultiDodgin & very long way. Just do not lose your mind. If you do not liek it, do not play it. Lights added against the red, in the end, there is emittered stylize ending & USE Objective, only 1
This is an upgrade of the map DM-BeautyBabes][vh. This 'BB' version has more hallways and has 27 zones instead of the 15 in DM-BeautyBabes][vh. 10 elevators and many weapons give you a fast
Just a simple funnelmap with a great gameplay. Almost every weapon is in the map, also a supershock rifle. Map runs very well, also on-line. play and have fun with it.
This is a revised UT2K4 assault map. Credit goes to the original author(s). I merely revised the map to enable KF2.5 gameplay. Large map with KF2.5 weapons and trader.
Hi everyone. This is my second trials map release (the first one being Trials-of-Doom. This is mainly another shield jumping map with the DM shield gun mutator included and alo included is tfa.
Unreal Championship 2 remake map that is kinda small similar to Oceanic or Insidious. Heavily tested online and is final version unlers somehow the actul pillars in the map one day get extracted.