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This is my first ever UT2004 map. Its fully working with bots. I know the map dosint look all that pretty but im still an amateur in the UnrealEd. Promise for my next map to be more good looking and
This map is set in a sort of canyon the dm map is onley configured for the inv gametype and also contains a few vehicles and it has two bases where you can hide in and it also has a super shock rifle.
This is my second finished map. I plan to make a new version of this in the future. The music 'Gold with bells' is by Sparrow40K. This map is good for a quick CTF match, can support quite a lot of
Far beyond the Forrest of Illusion set high atop the Cliffs of Fate rests the Temple of Pacification. A place where once the most wicked of men were taken as a final resort to clear the mind and
My 1st Real UT2004 Map No MESHS... well almost no meshs. fun for 4-6 player games. LOTS of sniper possibilitys, REEDEEMER MAP. LOTS of hidden REEDEEMER LOCATIONS. ASK for more maps at
This first map pack for Killed In Action contanes the first map for S.A.S of the Dead. The first map is named SAS Warehouse, this map begins the story where you in single player or online with your