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well folks these are all the toons i made in 2009. that was a good year. for more up to date creations visit the website site. http://donut57.forumcircle.com SLEDGE°MD° is a kid who's real
ZombieRagdollFiles.zip This zip file contains the ragdoll (KarmaData) files that are not sent from my server (currently named Dorian's Ghoulish Nightmare). Simply drop them all into your
This is the second version of the pack corrected by sergeant kelly, be careful this pack have some weapons witch are overpowered all the corrections are noticed in the changelog
This is the V3 version of the pack, corrected by sergeant kelly now all the weapons does an almost fair damage and can be used online. all the changes are noted in the change log
This is a revised Killing Floor 2.50 mod. The credit is given to the original author(s) of the HiveBeta map. I merely revised it and added a few things. I added more rooms, a money room at the bottom
Final V2 Additions/Updates: -Redid teamskins for every character (previous alpha was incorrect checked original xbox game and now the teamskins match) -Removed team masks/combiners -Added UTComp compatible teamskins for every character (Requires
DPM (Dodge ProMod) players JuoPPo & GamerXangeL Player Skins Used Photoshop CS4 and UED. If missing something just let me know so I will upload this ZIP archive again with all files that are
This is v2 of the Brian Griffin model for UT2004. It looks much better than the cellshader fix version. A readme.txt is included in the zip file to help people install it.
A revised UT2K4 DM map. Credit is given to the original author. I just revised it to enable gameplay on Killing Floor 2.5. The map is based on the movie, The Ninth Gate. Hallways and secret halls.