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Place the quaddefusu.pk3 file in your baseq3 dir and run Q3A. you will see the icons in the skin selction menu, or you can just type:- /model visor/zetasurge /model visor/omegafugue /model visor/omidesce
Place the quadithaqua.pk3 file in your baseq3 dir and run Q3A. you will see the icon in the skin selction menu, or you can just type "/model visor/ithaqua" in the console.
For the Visor/Doom/Orbb Models. "visor/gf: A blue haired killer. You can see his brain instead of his face. doom/gf: Chromy texture with red Helmet, red plate chest ornaments and red shoulder armor. orbb/aqua: The best one imho."