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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Kings & Assholes

Добавил: The DSystem
19 просмотров
Kings and Assholes client mod release 1.0 README
3:05 AM Feb 23 2000


1. Introduction
2. Instructions
3. Requirements
4. Installation
5. Troubleshoot
6. Credits

1. Introduction

This is the first r


Добавил: The DSystem
11 просмотров
Frostbite skin for the Grunt model

made by Robin "Lobo" Vincent

Hey dudes, this is my first skin I made for Quake 3, It is sort of a remake of my Quake 2 Frostbite, which I use for myself during deathmatch games.



Добавил: The DSystem
13 просмотров
Accessor's Name : Rephresh Skin
Installation directory : quake3/baseq3/skin-rephresh.pk3

Accessory's description : 1 skin (razor model)

SUW Captain Otherian the 3rd,

Добавил: The DSystem
22 просмотра

SUW Captain Otherian the 3rd, Exterminator of the Mons.

At 6 years old Otherian had is first encounter with the Mon, his family ripped from him, taken to a Mon offworld to
be used as seen fit by Tark the Mon Overlord. He himself escape

The Frail

Добавил: The DSystem
6 просмотров
This is a Team Fortress Classic CTF map. My first time making a TFC map and my first time using Worldcraft.


Добавил: The DSystem
18 просмотров
This is a new style map, in which you dont get slaughtered over and over again but armed people near spawn sites. There is also a building overlooking the battlefield, in which you can lock yourself and watch the battle. Otb1 is only a preview - it is not


Добавил: The DSystem
14 просмотров
This is a map of my current school - and was my first attempt at a halflife map. Sure, its not superb, but its worth playing if you like levels with LOADS of secrets, and a labyrinth-style layout - with a couple of open spaces. If you don't like it, don't

Keith Flint

Добавил: The DSystem
8 просмотров


Genocide: Bazooka V1.0 Beta

Добавил: The DSystem
9 просмотров
Genocide: Bazooka is a conversion of Rat Instinct's Genocide: HMG and replaces all the weapons with rocket launchers.

Stomping Grounds for Q3A

Добавил: The DSystem
19 просмотров

Stomping Arena - by - Alex Mayberry
This is a remake of the Stomping Grounds map orignally created for Quake2 Mission Pack: The Reckoning. It has been rebuilt completely from scratch.


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